
The rosemary x lavender room fragrance has a pleasant scent of lavender, an earthy touch of rosemary and fresh lemon notes. Simply place the supplied rattan sticks in the bottle and after a while a pleasant scent will spread throughout the 

  • Bottle contains 100ml fragrance liquid
  • 6 rattan sticks included
  • The flacons are filled by hand in Berlin

People who are sensitive to fragrances should use this product with caution. Contains linalool, citral. May cause an allergic skin reaction. Contains Limonene, Geraniol. Can cause allergic reactions.

COUDRE scents are manufactured by hand in a small workshop in the heart of Berlin. The diffusers are packed in a beautiful terrazzo box.

Scent: Mediterranean herbal scent with essential oils of rosemary & lavender.

COUDRE BERLIN is a young menswear and design brand from Berlin that was founded in 2016 by Dimitri Moustakidis and Daniel Diederich. It stands for modern, minimalist clothing, combining everyday functionality with a strong fashion sensibility. By rethinking classics and adding subtle details, COUDRE BERLIN creates simple and unique pieces that are clean and edgy – inspired by the roughness of the city and road trips into nature.