
Managing Director and Designer
Anne joined JUKSEREI as the very first employee and together with Chanette she transformed it from a small living room label to a well known jewelry brand. Today Anne, who is also Danish, is manager of JUKSEREI. She makes sure everything from the creative process, to design, logistics and customer service is running smoothly; always keeping JUKSEREI's mission in mind to have quality as the highest priority. With her background in fashion, Anne has an eye for colors and textures and continuously creates and shoots dazzling jewelry sets. She loves to paint her apartment walls pink and most likely ends her day sewing silk kimonos while sipping red wine and listening to smooth jazz. You could say Anne is the guardian of our taste buds here at the office, making sure there's a weekly delivery of quality coffee from Fjord, home baked, crispy croissants and sourdough bread from Albatross Bakery.
Photo credits (above): Marie Hald.
A local recommendation?
I live in Neukölln, a Kiez that reminds me of the area I was living in in Copenhagen for almost six years. I enjoy the open-minded, young and multi-cultural spirit. It is very local and it makes me feel at home. If you are into jazz and in Neukölln, check out Donau115. This tiny shoebox-sized jazz bar hosts intimate jazz concerts and sets a perfect stage for nights filled with red wine and smooth tunes.

What is your relationship with creativity and what does it mean to you?
When it comes to visual creativity, it's definitely sensitive, as you're exposing yourself and your mindset first and foremost. It is scary, challenging, satisfying, mind-blowing and beautiful. It keeps my brain active. It's educational and humbling. I also find with age that I spend more energy feeling the space and surroundings, both visually but particularly the lighting set-up, colours and materials. I notice more details, including many that distract my focus and mood, which can be challenging. Creativity in my mindset and job is a pervasive factor. It's not always a visual challenge that needs to be solved creatively, but the creative shift and openness to think about alternatives and be able to solve mistakes or problems. When you're thinking creatively about something your problems can be forgotten quickly because sometimes the alternative you come up with is just as good or even better than the original!
How do you spend your Sundays relaxing in Berlin?
The most relaxing Sundays start extremely slowly with coffee in bed accompanied by quiet morning jazz from the Danish radio station DR Jazz. When the radio is playing on the weekends and Danish voices can be heard between the notes of jazz, I feel absolutely at home and calm and have the feeling that the day is endless. Listening to quiet morning jazz on the radio is extremely liberating as you “can't" swipe forward. You just sit back, listen, learn, and enjoy. All this is followed by an extremely slow and long breakfast, long walks in quiet Berlin (as everything is closed on Sundays) and finally, late afternoons in my workshop.
What are you listening to?
Last Dance: Total Eclipse Of The Heart – Bonnie Tyler
While riding your bike: Tiny Dancer – Elton John
Red Wine: Cocktail swing jazz, 20s jazz, 30s jazz
Right now: Promise To Pick Up The Phone – eee gee
In the Morning: Dreams – Fleetwood Mac
For Dancing: It's My House – Diana Ross
90's: Stand By You – s.o.a.p.
Which is the latest album you bought?
I bought my last two CDs at the same time. It was after a jazz concert in a backroom, behind a red velvet carpet in a dark bar in Brooklyn, NYC. The concert was amazing; French 20s - 40s music, played by cool, talented, local musicians. The room was packed with nearly only women and I was caught up in the moment and by the surroundings. Therefore, I had to support them and purchased both CDs. The band is called Les Chauds Lapins.
A daily thought?
I have a hope that people will start thinking more long-term in many aspects, especially when it comes to consumption and have a deeper and more valuable understanding of materials and craftsmanship. I also hope that the interest in repairing things makes a comeback, instead of trending towards the throw-out and replace culture.
Most worn JUKSEREI piece?
I wear a lot of our jewelry every day. My favorites at the moment are ISLA Necklace and ICON Ring, both in gold.