
Holiday Sparkles
Today, we would like to introduce you to the founder of Almost mag, a multilingual international print publication from the heart of Berlin, and one of our favorite creatives: Hannah Krutmann, who happily shared a few words about the holiday season and her go-to pieces from JUKSEREI with us.
Berlin, 2021

So Hannah, tell us about yourself and what you're up to these days?
I am a writer and storyteller based in Berlin, currently traveling California to spend the holidays here with my partner’s family. Sisterhood is a big factor in my work. I work closely with some amazing women, including my sister Marie - who is the co-founder of our print magazine and storytelling agency Almost. We recently published a feminist book about contemporary witchcraft called “Everyday Magic” and I just finished up my next book “Natürlich leben mit ätherischen Ölen” about empowering self care rituals with essential oils, which will be launched March 15th 2022.

You are into everyday magic, but how do you tune into the holiday spirit?
I love the holiday season and drive my boyfriend nuts these days wanting to listen to Christmas music on our drives. For me the so-called “Rauhnächte”, the 12 holy nights, are always a highlight. It’s an old celtic tradition that’s gaining more and more popularity recently, where you take time to smudge, journal, pull cards and set your intentions for the new year. We have a whole chapter dedicated to this magical time in “Everyday Magic”. You should try it out.
It's the holiday season, how can we care for ourselves, our earth and the ones we love?
I think it’s a great time to slow down and check in with ourselves through journaling, long walks or meditation, see what it is we really need and crave and practice gratitude for all we have. I think it’s also a good time to not get crazy about buying too many new things, although we are bombarded with advertising these days. If we want to make gifts for our loved ones, think about what would really make them happy - and whether that is something material or if it is time spent together. I am not a person who loves phone calls but I like to write cards and letters. I also send more voice messages these days to check in with my friends and tell them how much I love them.What can jewelry do for one's holiday spirit?
There’s something magical about jewelry, right? Beautiful jewelry feels like little treasures to me. My mom has this pearl necklace that she wears every year for Christmas Eve. It is such a precious tradition. I feel like jewelry always has something very special and meaningful when you get or gift it and I like the thought of it being passed on from generation to generation.

What are your favorite JUKSEREI pieces and how would you wear them for New Year’s Eve?
Some of my current favorites from JUKSEREI that I wear a lot in my everyday life are the Hoops and Necklace from the BIRTHSTONE collection as I love wearing empowering crystals. Also the small BONBON Hoops are some of my go-to earrings as they just go with anything. The VOYAGE Necklace actually reminds me a lot of my mom’s pearls and I wear it more for fancy occasions. Planning my New Year’s Eve outfit (probably a red dress as a good omen of love in 2022) I am flirting with the golden ALBA STONE Hoops with the black Obsidian stone (which fits my star sign Capricorn perfectly – I was born just the day before New Year’s). I would wear them in my first piercing in my ear and to glam it up I would go for the golden DIVE Ear Studs in the second piercing in my ear. So glamorous!